About Rockey Genes

This site was created after the books shown on the front page were discovered laying among many boxes of paper documents from years and years of research my late Grandfather had done.

I used these books in my own research and found them to be quite useful, I thought that others attempting to research their own family history may find them useful as well.

I spent many a late night adding the details from the books into csv files. Once this was done I needed to find a way this data could be displayed in a web page and have it searchable. Browsing through numerous plugins I came across the Table Press plugin and the rest is history.

My Genealogy research is still ongoing, my late Grandfather had literally 100’s of documents from people doing research for him, letters from Parish ministers and from Family members containing little snippets of information.

I wish you the best with your own research and I hope this site helped you in some way.

Admin of Rockey Genes